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Published: 10-Mar-11
Facebook HTML5 iFrame Template and Guide | An Facebook Maxed Review
Google marketing is passé. The new world is about Facebook marketing, and this is amply proved by the new product on the Internet marketing block called as FB Maxed, or Facebook 2011 Maxed to give it its full name.

Jointly developed by SEO Guru, Daniel Tan and Social Media Consultant, Phil Benham, FB Maxed is an attempt to tap into the vast potential of Facebook marketing. The developers couldn’t have decided on a better timing to launch this product. With the number of users on Facebook at an all-time high right now, with more users joining in every second, there is quite a bit of demand among marketers who want to promote their products on Facebook.

Also, March 2011 is going to be a very decisive time for Facebook marketers because Facebook is going to downsize the Facebook Markup Language (FBML) drastically. FB Maxed is designed to be a guide for people to acquaint them with the new iFrame pages that will be used.

That’s the demand part for the product, but how does it deliver? From our analysis of FB Maxed, we can safely say that this product does deliver all that it promises and more, which sets it leagues ahead of any competitors that it might have.

Firstly, the guide teaches, in a step-by-step manner, how anyone can create a complete website onto a Facebook page. You do not just see the guide but you also get the entire system that helps you build the page. You have an option to build a separate page for people who have not yet ‘liked’ you on Facebook, and show a different page to those that have ‘liked’ you. This is an improvement—with the previously used FBML, it was not possible to show a website to people who didn’t ‘like’ you.

The website that you can build is full-fledged. You can add your opt-in form, you can add email contact forms, you can add HTML5 videos and you can build it to be as tall as you want. Thematic changes such as background color changes are possible as well.

The best part, probably, is that FB Maxed is compatible with other versions of Facebook as well, such as Facebook Mobile. It is compatible on several different phone systems, including the iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android.

People have already started creating their Facebook website pages and are using them in several ways, such as building their ecommerce websites and using their blogs. It is possible to add various promotional elements to these pages, such as videos, URLs, landing pages, sales pages and calls-to-action. With this guide, people have found a solution to their Facebook marketing methods which have been changing since the beginning of this year.

For people who want to get more acquainted with the product, continuous webinars are being conducted. During these webinars, people get a chance to get up, close and personal with FB Maxed and then you can ask them the details on the product.

On the whole, we would like to say that here is a complete Facebook product that people are fast switching over to because of its immense potential in Internet marketing.

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