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Published: 27-Jun-17
Worldprofit Facts
Worldprofit is a Canadian owned company established in 1993 and incorporated officially in 1994.

Co-Founder and CEO, George Kosch

Co-Founder and President, Sandi Hunter

Worldprofit Corporate Headquarters, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Focus: Training for home based entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers.

Worldprofit Services provided include: website hosting, software development, training courses, ebooks, article marketing, SEO, marketing systems, graphics software, safelist hosting, CPanel hosting, advertising packages, webcasting.

Other: Worldprofit is a 15 year accredited Member of the Edmonton Better Business Bureau, maintaining an A+ Rating.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Paid Online Writing Jobs - Get paid to write short Facebook ads ($320.00 per day)

Republished with author's permission.