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Published: 06-Mar-13
Road Trips For Vacation May Be In The Past
We all need a break once in a while. It is a simple fact of the human psyche, we do not tolerate endless stress, we all have breaking points. So before the stress of daily life gets to you, go on a vacation to clear your head. You might think that a vacation would be wonderful, but you simply can not afford one right now. Well, if you are serious about going on a vacation, there are a lot of ways you can go on one even with a tight budget.

People say that Road trips for vacation may be in the past, now days it is all about flying to far away lands and enjoying themeparks and other extravagant entertainment. I do not agree with this. Especially in today's economy, finding a cheap way to go out and enjoy yourself is really important, and road trips facilitate this.

As high as gas prices get, it is almost always cheaper to just take your own car rather than flying. Depending on when and where you go, plane tickets can be really expensive. Then there is the fact that you have to pay for a rental car and lodging. All these expenses can be removed by simply going on a road trip.

Going on a road trip takes a lot of planning, even more then a traditional vacation. This is part of the reason why people say Road trips for vacation may be in the past, what point is a vacation if it takes so much effort? While it does take some more effort, it does not take that much more effort and in the long run it can be worth it.

Some tips for a cheap, yet fun road trip are to take a large cooler and lots of food. If you can avoid eating out on your trip, you will save so much money. Eating out on vacations are one of the single largest expenses, so avoiding it is a huge plus.

You can also turn your road trip into a camping trip by taking along a large tent. Camping out is a fun way to enjoy the outdoors, and it also saves you the expenses of hotel rooms. Even if you stay at a camp ground, they are often significantly cheaper then any hotel. For bathing, you can find shower facilities at a lot of the larger rest stops and camp grounds.

Another tip to save money on your road trip is to refuel on gas often. By keeping your tank topped up you can afford to look around for the best prices using the internet when available (a lot of cell phones have applications for this very purpose). Prices can differ quite significantly, allowing you to get the best deals.

While people like to say that Road trips for vacation may be in the past, they can still work. Really, they can work better now then ever before given how expensive a "traditional" vacation can be and just how tight our money seems to be.

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