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Published: 06-Mar-13
Lose Belly Fat - Stability Ball Exercises To Shed The Pounds
Obesity is, if you'll pardon the pun, a growing epidemic in many parts of the world. What may surprise you is that you may be at more risk for certain diseases if you have extra fat around your tummy. That "spare tire" may be killing you, so doing what you can to lose belly fat is a good idea. As you will see, investing in a stability ball will help you to shed the pounds.

You can get a stability ball at most stores that have a fitness section, but you may want to go to a store that specializes in sporting goods, and that will allow you to try out a ball before buying it. You can also buy stability balls online. Be sure to check the weight limit on the ball, just to be sure that you will be able to use it.

Your body will constantly be trying to balance itself when you're using the ball. Chances are you won't even notice a lot of these movements, but you can be sure that the ball is working. While there is still more research to be done, at least one group of researchers has found that using a stability ball during certain exercises can nearly double the number of muscle fibers in the targeted area.

Muscle is important, but it may not help you to actually lose weight, at least not according to your scale; it all depends on how well you lose belly fat, and how much muscle tissue you build up. The reason for this is that muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat. Don't let that frighten you away from the stability ball, though. This is actually a good thing! Whether you want to look better or reduce your risk for certain diseases, what you are really trying to do is be healthier. Muscle tissue will not only make you look better, but it will also burn some calories while you are at rest.

Here are a few stability ball exercises to help you lose belly fat.

1. Sit straight up on the ball and pull your stomach in, trying not to hold onto the ball. Now alternate between lifting your left and right foot in a marching motion. You may not be able to lift them too high at first, but over time, make a goal to lift them higher and higher. Once you are comfortable with that, you can try adding a bouncing motion to the ball when you are "marching".

2. Use the same position as you did for the seated march. This time, instead of using a marching motion, you are going to lift one foot off the floor and then hold it in the air for 5 to 10 seconds before switching to the other foot.

3. Sit on the ball and use your hands for balance. Slowly roll your hips in a small circle, do this 20 times in one direction, then 20 more in the other. Increase the size of the circles as you get better at the exercise.

These exercises may sound simple, but when done on a stability ball, they will quickly help you to lose belly fat.

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